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Writer's pictureB&D Construction 81

Do you know why school buses are yellow?

It's because yellow is one of the most attention grabbing colors. Your eyes will naturally gravitate to it. We see this in nature with the peacock. The male peacock fans out their beautiful and bright feathers to attract the attention of a partner. Like the peacock, our goal is for our home attract the attention of our peers.

In our last post we talked about curb appeal and some quick ways to help make your lawn look more than it is. Today we will talk about adding a bit of color to to bring extra attention to your home.

The average person makes eye contact with another person or object for roughly five seconds before looking away. How do we keep their gaze for longer than five seconds? We add a bit of color, and the perfect way is with some flowers.

Before you start digging holes, you need to map out where you want the attention to be. Do you want passerbys to notice the front door? Do you want them to notice your walk way? What ever the case may be, plan out the area to highlight. In that space, the first step is to remove the top soil. You don't want grass and weeds to be taking over the nutrients, water, and sun. This will take a bit of work but will help set a visual space of where the flowers and plants will go. When you purchase the flowers remember to look for a few things. First, check and see how much sun each plant requires. It would be a waist if you bought a plant that didn't receive enough sun, or received to much. Second, check to see how large each plant grows when they have fully matured. Some bushes start out small, but can grow to overtake the entire area. Third, don't break the bank on the shrubs, bushes, and flowers. Most lawn and garden centers do have discount plants that need a little bit of TLC, and are discounted at a lower price. Okay, so you have your spot picked out, top soil removed, flowers purchased and planted, now what? You could leave the area as is, but if you want to take it one extra step for a bit more color and contrast, add some mulch!

Mulch comes in a few different colors; red, brown and black to name a few. Mulch can add color to your space, but it also helps keep moisture from evaporating. Have you ever noticed that sometimes now matter how much water you give grass, sometimes it just dies? But yet, those weeds are growing like crazy under those rocks? Its because the rocks help trap moisture. By adding mulch on top of the soil, it will be harder for water to evaporate. Plus, you have added contrast between the grass, mulch and flowers.

Your lawn looks great, your flowers are blooming and people are starting to notice. In our next post, we will talk about another attention grabber. Door colors. More specifically colors that you should use when painting your front door(s).

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